We are thrilled to announce the second Masters of Flow Visualization at IFSV21, following the tremendous success of the first Masters of Flow Visualization at IFSV20! We can't wait to spread the idea of the beauty of visualization!
Two selected visualization topics will be high-speed imaging of droplets, making beautiful visualization of droplet phenomena, and PSP/TSP, obtaining relevant pressure or temperature distribution. Stay tuned for information on the “Chefs” of masterclass lecturer!
To participate in the Masters of Flow Visualization, all interested conference participants are asked to submit a letter of motivation describing their interest, experience, and skills in the discipline of flow visualization and their visualization work, along with a photo and a title/short abstract of 150-200 words in both PDF files (free format).
Please submit your application via Google form. Please name your files as “MFV_Motivation_Your Name” for a letter of motivation and “MFV_Visualization_Your Name” for your visualization work.
The submission deadline is March 7, the same as for the conference abstract. Notification of acceptance will be sent to applicants in April. Your participation will be confirmed upon completion of the conference registration (either ISFV 21 or ISPIV2025).
The Masters of Flow Visualization is open to all young researchers, e.g. graduate students, postdocs, or early career researchers from academia or industry. An affinity with one or more flow visualization techniques is welcome. Please note that while the event is free, participation in MFV is limited to ISFV21 or ISPIV2025 conference attendees.
The event will take place on June 25th at the National Olympic Memorial Youth Center in Tokyo, Japan. The event will begin with masterclass lecturers given by experts in the respective fields or "chefs" on 2 selected flow visualization techniques (high-speed imaging and PSP/TSP). Participants will then use their existing skills and experience in flow visualization in combination with the newly acquired knowledge from the master classes to perform the experiment.
Participants will be organized into teams of three to four. They will perform a practical experiment related to the selected flow visualization technique from the Master Class. A panel of experts will evaluate and rank the results presented by the participants in each category. Technical skills demonstrated during the experiment as well as scientific creativity for the visualization will contribute to the overall score.
The award for the best performing team across all Flow Visualization domains will be announced at the end of the event.
Contact: info@isfv21.org